But it's not because I'm better. I'm not. I'm just spending my time reading, resting, hanging with my husband (on summer break from teaching), and at PT.
When I do get on blogger I am STILL writing about all my diagnoses which I think I may have to release as a multi-part blog. It's so long, and still not done, no one will read it as-is!
But here's the summary of what's going on now:
PT is going amazingly (semi-sarcasm) because I manage to not be getting better. In some ways I manage to be getting worse ??? I only say semi-sarcasm, because in SOME ways it is ACTUALLY amazing how my body refuses to get better and chooses to stump the guys *in charge* (docs & PTs). I am amazing... I amaze them. Ha!
So let me jump in there and say, again (because I've said this in other blog posts already), I currently have an amazing medical team behind me. My therapist is incredible; she totally get me and all my layers; she totally speaks my language. My PT happens to not just be well-versed in what I was sent to him for, but he also is familiar with all my diagnoses. He's probably the first medical personnel that I haven't had to explain my conditions to. He's never angry when I'm late and he always takes however long my body needs to work with me each day. And that's saying something, because PT for this stuff is nothing like PT for a knee surgery. With a knee surgery you eventually get to lift weights and stuff. With this, with me right now, I pretty much require hands on attention nearly the entire time I'm there. I've said it a thousand times, I love my pain doc. He makes me laugh and stay relaxed, which is so necessary since he is the guy jabbing me with needles in my spine, in my back, and (the best kind) in the front of my neck so I can SEE IT COMING. Finally is my Hopkins TOS specialist. This is the dude who officially oversees everything. He doesn't make me go to Hopkins for regular follow ups. He lets me e-mail updates and he PERSONALLY replies within an hour or two every single time.
So yeah, I'm in great hands. Which means something has got to give. But not for a little while. For now it's all on my PT. Because Hopkins doc has put a hold on all injections until after I have an "MR neurography" (and MRI mapping out my nerves). This'll determine if my rib is still being compressed. If it is then it's probably time to talk rib removal. If it isn't, then I'm green lit for the spinal stimulator 3-day trial. Yay (NO)!
So let me jump in there and say, again (because I've said this in other blog posts already), I currently have an amazing medical team behind me. My therapist is incredible; she totally get me and all my layers; she totally speaks my language. My PT happens to not just be well-versed in what I was sent to him for, but he also is familiar with all my diagnoses. He's probably the first medical personnel that I haven't had to explain my conditions to. He's never angry when I'm late and he always takes however long my body needs to work with me each day. And that's saying something, because PT for this stuff is nothing like PT for a knee surgery. With a knee surgery you eventually get to lift weights and stuff. With this, with me right now, I pretty much require hands on attention nearly the entire time I'm there. I've said it a thousand times, I love my pain doc. He makes me laugh and stay relaxed, which is so necessary since he is the guy jabbing me with needles in my spine, in my back, and (the best kind) in the front of my neck so I can SEE IT COMING. Finally is my Hopkins TOS specialist. This is the dude who officially oversees everything. He doesn't make me go to Hopkins for regular follow ups. He lets me e-mail updates and he PERSONALLY replies within an hour or two every single time.
So yeah, I'm in great hands. Which means something has got to give. But not for a little while. For now it's all on my PT. Because Hopkins doc has put a hold on all injections until after I have an "MR neurography" (and MRI mapping out my nerves). This'll determine if my rib is still being compressed. If it is then it's probably time to talk rib removal. If it isn't, then I'm green lit for the spinal stimulator 3-day trial. Yay (NO)!
I'm still working on that LONG post telling you all about everything I have. And a few other little posts. But in the meantime, here are some of my favorite blogs that you should check out. Let them entertain you when I have my dry spells...
This is the blog of a friend of mine. She is a beautiful soul and person, a yoga instructor and a deep spiritual being. She tells her personal stories, her yoga stories, her travel stories. And most of her blogs include beautiful photographs of her practicing her passion-turned-career. She inspires me.
Another friend. He's truly one of the smartest people I know. And he does amazingly cool things with cutting edge technology that frankly I don't even understand. Also, a common thread with my friends is that he too turned his passion into his profession and lives his dreams. It's a quality I genuinely love and respect in people.
Kathy was one of my high school English teachers back in the day (10 year reunion is in 2 weeks). She knows she was one of my favorite teachers. She taught my favorite subject. I always loved her class, her personality, and now being married to a teacher I have all the more respect for her. One of the awesome things about growing up is realizing that your childhood adults are people too, and getting to see them as such. But I still feel weird referring to her as Kathy!
I don't know this guy but he shares that trait I love in my friends. He just flipped his world upside down to live his dream. He is awesome and inspiring in the way he has chosen to live his life and guide his family.
Speaking of family living and marriage...
Another wife, family, faith based blog. She is well-known as a Christian writer/blogger. Her faith is different than mine, but she's still quite inspirational.
Uhhh, duh.

Double duh.
If you don't know PostSecret, I don't know where you've been. But it can trigger any number of emotions. Funny, sad, inspirational, relatable....
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