Day 11: My God is loving and sometimes bad, shitty, unfair things happen. That doesn't mean God or a HP is punishing someone... So I'm going to go with bad luck and bad genetics. And partially, being on too many antibiotics my entire life.

Day 12: That's nearly impossible to do. But I have a draft of just that already in the works! Imagine your stomach flu, year-round. And the feeling of stubbing your toe on a dresser all over your whole body. Oh, and not being able to use half your body--don't reach up on the top shelf with that arm! Don't put too much weight on that foot! Oh, you took a shower in the morning? Guess what, you're not leaving the couch for the rest of the day. Your knee has seen 5 cadaver ligament grafts, so to compensate, we're going to remove your body parts. Then literally doctors say things like, "You don't need this muscle. You can do without that rib. But don't dream of doing any of the stuff you love again, because let's be realistic, kiddo, it ain't happening."
Day 13: I object to the intelligence of whoever created this. Effing duh. Yeah, I was basically robbed of my entire life as I know it, but mentally I'm peachy keen. Stupid.

Day 14: Well, that's a jackass question to follow up the previous. Fine. 1-Blaze. His whole existence. Him snuggling me all day long. The sweet way he smells. The loud way he snores. And the beautifully vulnerable side he only shows to me. 2-Kevin. He has quite literally, on purpose, given up his life as he knew it to take care of me. He does just about everything for me.

3-My Dad. Duh. He's my other most important man besides K & B. He takes care of me too. He still does some doc appointments, though usually Kevin is able to. But prior to April, Dad did them all. He has also been saving up vacation days in anticipation of whatever surgery comes next.

4-Good therapy. I've been in and out since I was 7 years old. I have had incredible therapists. And I have had mentally special therapists. Currently, thank God/Jesus/Virgin Mary/Goddess/Allah for her, because, well, see question 13. Mentally, I'm a mess. Let's just be honest about that. I'm a hot effing mess of mental shit. 5-Having health insurance again. Let me paint this picture for those of you who don't know, if you're still reading at this point. I lost health care a little while back, because of preexisting conditions. I'm going to dumb that down one step further: I lost health insurance because I was sick. You thought health insurance was supposed to help people when they're sick? Gosh, me too. Wrong.
On a related political note, this is why I want to rip people's eyeballs out when they hate on "Obamacare". Look, be a Republican and hate on Obama all you want, that doesn't offend me. But typically when I hear criticisms about Obamacare, it's people making these arguments and claims that it's just another handout to lazy people. Maybe some people abuse the system, sure. But do you know how hard it has been for me to get disability? I still haven't received it. Do you know that if all aspects of Obamacare were already into effect, I wouldn't have gone months without health insurance. Do you know what months without cost a person like me (who is on about 15 prescriptions and probably averages 4 office visits a month (not counting PT, only doctors)? I'll give you the ballpark: I'm in a 5-digit figure of medical debt. And separately, but related because of not being on disability though I am disabled (therefore no income) I'm also in a totally separate 5-digit figure of debt over my home in Baltimore. Uhh yeah, awesome? Refer back to good therapy
I'm skipping 15 because I don't like it. Thanks for reading my rant of the day!
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