Sunday, May 5, 2013

Real time

9:29 EST Sunday night, May 5, according to my iPhone.

Where I am going? Home.
From where? The ER
Why? Because my ankle is the size of a baseball.
Why? Because it's infected.

How did I get infected? Because I wore a pair of heels, and they rubbed my foot raw (as the price of beauty is pain).

How did it get SO swollen? Because I thought it was just a scrape and didn't feel the pain until it got SO bad because I'm on an obscene amount of pain meds already. This incident happened days ago.


  1. Stop wearing heels. You're already tall.

    1. The heels were for modeling. Somewhat of a must!

  2. Feel better soon!

    Just had a baseball for an ankle myself - 2nd degree sprain; needed more pain meds!

    1. Oh no! You've had a rough go lately! Prayers for your fast recovery!
